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( 英文 字)
作者:[美]Anders Hejlsberg,Scott Wiltamuth,Peter Golde類別:1. -> 程式設計 -> .NET -> C#
出版社:C#編程語言(第2版)(英文版) 3dWoo書號: 8595


印刷:語系: ( 英文 版 )
作者序 | 譯者序 | 前言 | 內容簡介 | 目錄 | 
(簡體書上所述之下載連結耗時費功, 恕不適用在台灣, 若讀者需要請自行嘗試, 恕不保證)




本書以通俗易懂的語言、精辟豐富的實例,從對C#的簡介開始,全面講解了C# 編程語言規范以及各個層面的特性,并且提供了C# 設計小組的代碼示例。本書第2版針對C# 2.0進行了全面升級,是C# 權威參考書籍。本書第一部分以C#語言概述開篇,闡明C# 語言的概念,接下來對隨Visual Studio .NET 2002和2003發布的C# 1.0做了細致完整的技術講解,內容包括C#的詞法結構、類型、變量、表達式、語句、名字空間、例外、屬性和不安全代碼等主題。第二部分描述C# 2.0的眾多特性,包括Generics、匿名方法(Anonymous Methods)、迭代子(Iterators)、不完整類型(Partial Type)和空類型(Nullable Type)。第2版在第1版的基礎上作了大量的增補和改進,并附有參考資料列表和詳盡的索引,能使讀者更有效地檢索正文并快速找到最感興趣的主題。


PART IC# 1.0 1
1 Introduction 3
1.1 Hello World 4
1.2 Program Structure 5
1.3 Types and Variables 7
1.4 Expressions 11
1.5 Statements 14
1.6 Classes and Objects 18
1.7 Structs 34
1.8 Arrays 35
1.9 Interfaces 37
1.10 Enums 39
1.11 Delegates 40
1.12 Attributes 42
2 Lexical Structure 45
2.1 Programs 45
2.2 Grammars 45
2.3 Lexical Analysis 47
2.4 Tokens 51
2.5 Preprocessing Directives 61
3 Basic Concepts 73
3.1 Application Startup 73
3.2 Application Termination 74
3.3 Declarations 75
3.4 Members 77
3.5 Member Access 79
3.6 Signatures and Overloading 86
3.7 Scopes 87
3.8 Namespace and Type Names 93
3.9 Automatic Memory Management 95
3.10 Execution Order 99
4 Types 101
4.1 Value Types 101
4.2 Reference Types 110
4.3 Boxing and Unboxing 112
5 Variables 115
5.1 Variable Categories 115
5.2 Default Values 119
5.3 De?nite Assignment 119
5.4 Variable References 133
5.5 Atomicity of Variable References 133
6 Conversions 135
6.1 Implicit Conversions 135
6.2 Explicit Conversions 138
6.3 Standard Conversions 142
6.4 User-De?ned Conversions 143
7 Expressions 147
7.1 Expression Classi?cations 147
7.2 Operators 149
7.3 Member Lookup 156
7.4 Function Members 157
7.5 Primary Expressions 170
7.6 Unary Operators 193
7.7 Arithmetic Operators 198
7.8 Shift Operators 207
7.9 Relational and Type-Testing Operators 209
7.10 Logical Operators 216
7.11 Conditional Logical Operators 218
7.12 Conditional Operator 220
7.13 Assignment Operators 221
7.14 Expression 226
7.15 Constant Expressions 226
7.16 Boolean Expressions 228
8 Statements 229
8.1 End Points and Reachability 230
8.2 Blocks 232
8.3 The Empty Statement 233
8.4 Labeled Statements 233
8.5 Declaration Statements 234
8.6 Expression Statements 236
8.7 Selection Statements 237
8.8 Iteration Statements 243
8.9 Jump Statements 248
8.10 The try Statement 255
8.11 The checked and unchecked Statements 258
8.12 The lock Statement 259
8.13 The using Statement 260
9 Namespaces 263
9.1 Compilation Units 263
9.2 Namespace Declarations 264
9.3 Using Directives 265
9.4 Namespace Members 271
9.5 Type Declarations 271
10 Classes 273
10.1 Class Declarations 273
10.2 Class Members 277
10.3 Constants 287
10.4 Fields 290
10.5 Methods 299
10.6 Properties 317
10.7 Events 327
10.8 Indexers 333
10.9 Operators 338
10.10 Instance Constructors 343
10.11 Static Constructors 349
10.12 Destructors 352
11 Structs 355
11.1 Struct Declarations 355
11.2 Struct Members 356
11.3 Class and Struct Differences 357
11.4 Struct Examples 363
12 Arrays 367
12.1 Array Types 367
12.2 Array Creation 369
12.3 Array Element Access 369
12.4 Array Members 369
12.5 Array Covariance 369
12.6 Array Initializers 370
13 Interfaces 373
13.1 Interface Declarations 373
13.2 Interface Members 375
13.3 Fully Quali?ed Interface Member Names 380
13.4 Interface Implementations 380
14 Enums 393
14.1 Enum Declarations 393
14.2 Enum Modi?ers 394
14.3 Enum Members 394
14.4 The System.Enum Type 397
14.5 Enum Values and Operations 397
15 Delegates 399
15.1 Delegate Declarations 399
15.2 Delegate Instantiation 402
15.3 Delegate Invocation 403
16 Exceptions 407
16.1 Causes of Exceptions 407
16.2 The System.Exception Class 408
16.3 How Exceptions Are Handled 408
16.4 Common Exception Classes 409
17 Attributes 411
17.1 Attribute Classes 411
17.2 Attribute Speci?cation 414
17.3 Attribute Instances 420
17.4 Reserved Attributes 422
17.5 Attributes for Interoperation 428
18 Unsafe Code 429
18.1 Unsafe Contexts 429
18.2 Pointer Types 433
18.3 Fixed and Moveable Variables 436
18.4 Pointer Conversions 437
18.5 Pointers in Expressions 438
18.6 The ?xed Statement 446
18.7 Stack Allocation 450
18.8 Dynamic Memory Allocation 451
PART II C# 2.0 455
19 Introduction to C# 2.0 457
19.1 Generics 458
19.2 Anonymous Methods 463
19.3 Iterators 467
19.4 Partial Types 471
19.5 Nullable Types 472
20 Generics 477
20.1 Generic Class Declarations 477
20.2 Generic Struct Declarations 488
20.3 Generic Interface Declarations 488
20.4 Generic Delegate Declarations 490
20.5 Constructed Types 491
20.6 Generic Methods 498
20.7 Constraints 506
20.8 Expressions and Statements 517
20.9 Revised Lookup Rules 521
20.10 Right-Shift Grammar Changes 533
21 Anonymous Methods 535
21.1 Anonymous Method Expressions 535
21.2 Anonymous Method Signatures 535
21.3 Anonymous Method Conversions 536
21.4 Anonymous Method Blocks 537
21.5 Outer Variables 538
21.6 Anonymous Method Evaluation 541
21.7 Delegate Instance Equality 542
21.8 De?nite Assignment 543
21.9 Method Group Conversions 544
21.10 Delegate Creation Expressions 546
21.11 Implementation Example 546
22 Iterators 551
22.1 Iterator Blocks 551
22.2 Enumerator Objects 552
22.3 Enumerable Objects 555
22.4 The yield Statement 556
22.5 Implementation Example 558
23 Partial Types 567
23.1 Partial Declarations 567
23.2 Name Binding 571
24 Nullable Types 573
24.1 Nullable Types 573
24.2 Conversions 574
24.3 Expressions 580
25 Other Features 587
25.1 Property Accessor Accessibility 587
25.2 Static Classes 590
25.3 Namespace Alias Quali?ers 592
25.4 Extern Aliases 596
25.5 Pragma Directives 600
25.6 Default Value Expression 601
25.7 Conditional Attribute Classes 602
25.8 Fixed Size Buffers 603
PART III Appendixes 609
A Documentation Comments 611
A.1 Introduction 611
A.2 Recommended Tags 613
A.3 Processing the Documentation File 623
A.4 An Example 629
B Grammar 635
B.1 Lexical Grammar 635
B.2 Syntactic Grammar 644
B.3 Grammar Extensions for Unsafe Code 671
Index 675